Class Manager

  • December 21, 2024

Simplify staff onboarding and class coordination, ensuring a seamless experience for instructors, tutors, and students—whether online or in person.

Immersio’s Class Manager streamlines the teaching process, making it easy to onboard instructors, assign classes, and keep everything organized. Whether your school operates only online, in-person, or hybrid, Class Manager ensures a smooth experience for everyone involved.

How Class Manager Helps Your School

Seamless Staff Onboarding

Onboard new instructors or tutors with ease. Assign them to your ready-to-teach classes or tutoring sessions based on your courses, and allow them to then add their own learning materials for each class cohort or tutoring session.

Flexible Class Scheduling

Easily add and manage classes that fit your school’s needs. Whether you’re running recurring sessions or one-off workshops, Class Manager helps you stay organized and on time.

Group Management Made Simple

Organize students into classes, cohorts, or tutoring groups effortlessly. Adjust class sizes and rosters as needed, ensuring every group is the right fit for the learning experience.